Let's get organized!

It’s a new year and a new opportunity to get those photos organized! Yes, it is possible.  The key is: don’t over think it.

Here we go. 

1.     Get out your calendar… go on. 

2.     Now open it up to February 1st. 

3.     Create an alarm to download all January photos. *Make sure you have the second alarm on too.  

4.     Check the repeat monthly option.

add new folder

Next, create a Favorites folder.  Choose 5-10 of your favorite photos from the download and throw them into your Favorites folder.  ONLY 5-10.  DONE! 

2015 Favorite Photo folder

If you have more time and want to create better descriptions for the downloaded photos, go for it.  But only 5-10 may go into the favorites folder. 

If you do this every month for a year, you’ll be ready to make those personalized cards, the snapshot book of 2015 or all those exciting projects you pushed aside last year because you were overwhelmed by the idea of culling 1000s of photos.

Let me know if this system works for you! Or share your favorite way to keep those photos organized.

Thanks for checking in!

Happy clicking,



A Day in the Sun (headshot event)


Cameras, cameras and more cameras!